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Define Databases

It is recommended for a package to use ServiceProvider::loadMigrationsFrom() feature (it automatically handles migrations for packages when used in Laravel applications and during tests) or you can define migrations specifically for the tests environment using the recommended guide below.

In-Memory SQLite Connection

To reduce setup configuration, you could use testing database connection (:memory: with sqlite driver) by defining it under PHPUnit Configuration File:

    // ...
        <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="testing"/>

Otherwise, you can also use Orchestra\Testbench\Attributes\WithEnv attribute:

use Orchestra\Testbench\Attributes\WithEnv; 

#[WithEnv('DB_CONNECTION', 'testing')] 
class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase

Alternatively, you can also explicitly set it up under defineEnvironment():

class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase
     * Define environment setup.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Foundation\Application  $app
     * @return void
    protected function defineEnvironment($app) 
        $app['config']->set('database.default', 'testing');

Lastly, you can also use Orchestra\Testbench\Attributes\WithConfig attribute:

use Orchestra\Testbench\Attributes\WithConfig; 

#[WithConfig('database.default', 'testing')] 
class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase 

Automatically execute migrations

By default, you can use the RefreshDatabase trait to only run package migrations defined through the package's service provider.

use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase; 

class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase
    use RefreshDatabase; 

If you also need to run the default Laravel migrations such as the users table migration, see the Run Laravel Migrations section.

Manually execute migrations

Instead of just automatically migrating the database, you also manually configure migrations steps using the defineDatabaseMigrations() method:

use function Orchestra\Testbench\artisan; 

class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase
     * Define database migrations.
     * @return void
    protected function defineDatabaseMigrations() 
        artisan($this, 'migrate', ['--database' => 'testbench']);

            fn () => artisan($this, 'migrate:rollback', ['--database' => 'testbench'])

Run Laravel Migrations

By default, Testbench doesn't execute the default Laravel migrations which include users and password_resets table. In order to run the migration just add the following command:

use Orchestra\Testbench\Attributes\WithMigration; 

class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase

You can also run migrations for cache, jobs, notifications or session by providing additional paramters to Orchestra\Testbench\Attributes\WithMigration attribute:

use Orchestra\Testbench\Attributes\WithMigration; 

#[WithMigration('laravel', 'cache', 'job')] 
class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase

Run Testing Migrations

To run migrations that are only used for testing purposes and not part of your package, add the following to your base test class:

use function Orchestra\Testbench\workbench_path; 

class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase
     * Define database migrations.
     * @return void
    protected function defineDatabaseMigrations() 

Using Database Transactions

You may also utilize DatabaseTransactions for a migrated state using the following:

use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions; 

class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase
    use DatabaseTransactions; 
  • Your migration files have to suite Laravel's convention, e.g. 0000_00_00_000000_create_package_test_tables.php.
  • You may choose to put your migrations folder in workbench/database/migrations.
  • You may choose to change your test-migrations class name to be different from the published class names, e.g. from CreateUsersTable to CreateUsersTestTable or otherwise you may encounter composer class loader collision.