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Testbench hopes to provide a complete solution for package developments, in the latest version we now support direct integrations with the following 3rd party packages:

Spatie Ray

Starting from Testbench 6.10 you may now use Ray debugging tool directly when running tests.

use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Test;

public function it_can_resolve_domain_route()
    /** @var \Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse $response */
    $response = $this->get('http://api.localhost/hello');


Ray Example


You can configure Ray using phpunit.xml:


    // ...

        <env name="RAY_ENABLED" value="(true)"/>
        <env name="SEND_CACHE_TO_RAY" value="(false)"/>
        <env name="SEND_DUMPS_TO_RAY" value="(true)"/>
        <env name="SEND_JOBS_TO_RAY" value="(false)"/>
        <env name="SEND_LOG_CALLS_TO_RAY" value="(true)"/>
        <env name="SEND_QUERIES_TO_RAY" value="(false)"/>
        <env name="SEND_REQUESTS_TO_RAY" value="(false)"/>
        <env name="SEND_VIEWS_TO_RAY" value="(false)"/>
        <env name="SEND_EXCEPTIONS_TO_RAY" value="(true)"/>



You can also utilize Collision with Testbench to use Laravel-flavored artisan test commands, including parallel testing. First of all, include nunomaduro/collision in your package:

composer require --dev "nunomaduro/collision"

After installation is complete and package:discover is executed you should be able to use package:test command directly from testbench CLI:

vendor/bin/testbench package:test

Collision Example

Support for Parallel Testing

With package:test you are able to use --parallel options to use Parallel Testing. However, do review Laravel documentation regarding the subject.

Parallel Example