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The Packages Toolkit for Laravel uses testbench.yaml as a configuration file where you can define the following schemas to be used within testbench CLI or Workbench environment:

laravelstringSet the path to Laravel skeleton.
providersarrayList of Service Provider classes to be loaded.
migrationsarrayList of migrations path.
seedersarrayList of seeder classes to execute during migrate:fresh or migrate:refresh.
dont-discoverarrayList of packages to be ignored.
bootstrappersarraySet of bootstrapper classes to be loaded.
envarraySet environment variables to be loaded under testbench CLI.
purgearrayConfigurable files and directories to be pruned via package:purge-skeleton command.
workbenchObjectSee Workbench configuration for details.

Basic Usages

For the testbench command to understand any required service providers, bootstrappers, environment variables or other options to be used when executing the "artisan" command you need to add the following testbench.yaml file on the project root directory.

  - Laravel\Passport\PassportServiceProvider

  - laravel/sanctum

Laravel Skeleton

You can use laravel configuration key to set a custom location instead of using the default vendor/orchestra/testbench-core/laravel:

laravel: ./skeleton

Service Providers

You can use providers configuration key to set an array of service providers to be loaded:

  - Laravel\Sanctum\SanctumServiceProvider
  - Workbench\App\Providers\WorkbenchServiceProvider

Exclude Packages

Alternatively, you can also use dont-discover to exclude specific packages from being loaded:

  - laravel/html

Environment Variables

You can use env configuration key to set an array of environment variables to be loaded under testbench CLI:


env limitation

The env environment variables are only applied when using the CLI and will not be used when running tests.

Workbench Configuration

You can use workbench configuration key to enable Workbench integration on your Laravel packages.

welcomeboolShow the default Laravel welcome page when accessing / via serve command.
installboolRun Laravel default migrations.
startstringSet the default route when opening / path via serve command.
userstring|intSet the user ID or email to automatically logged-in when accessing / via serve command (only when accessing as a guest).
authboolDetermine if Workbench should generate authentication routes using Laravel Breeze (default: false)
guardstringSet the default Auth Guard to automatically authenticate user value.
syncarraySet a collection to create symlink between from and to value via serve command. Set reserve: true will create symlink from skeleton to destination path instead of from path to skeleton.
buildarraySet a collection of build recipes or command to be execute when running workbench:build command.
assetsarraySet a collection of tag used in vendor:publish to be use with asset-publish recipe when running workbench:build command.
discoversarraySee Workbench Discovery Configuration for details.

Workbench Discovery Configuration

The discovers configuration allows Workbench to discover routes, model factories, and views.

configboolEnabling the option allows Workbench to load configuration from workbench/config directory.
factoriesboolEnabling the options allows Workbench to map Eloquent Models from workbench/app/Models directory to workbench/database/factories.
webboolEnabling the options allows Workbench to register routes from workbench/routes/web.php
apiboolEnabling the options allows Workbench to register routes from workbench/routes/api.php
commandsboolEnabling the options allows Workbench to register console commands from workbench/routes/console.php


  welcome: true
  install: true
  start: /nova
  guard: web
    - from: public
      to: public/vendor/nova
    - from: storage
      to: workbench/storage
      reverse: true
    - asset-publish
    - create-sqlite-db
    - migrate:refresh
    - nova-assets
    web: true
    api: false
    commands: false
    views: true